[pressgang] Six Degrees of Press Gang

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Tue, 14 Jul 1998 23:01:35 EDT

Hi all!

I'm back, and still un-able to read any of the postings for the last few
months, so I'm not sure if this has come up recently, or at all, but I thought
I might as well mention it...

Everyone surely has some vague notion about the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon (hi
to Crystal and Murray!) and that everyone is within six steps of Kevin Bacon
for the most part, but has anyone thought of the Six Degrees of Press Gang? I
came across the notion after I saw Gattaca, and admired the actor who played
the original Jerome, so I went to the IMDB (www.imdb.com) and checked him out.
He's Jude Law. And Guess who he's married to! Sadie Frost! You know, the
loveable Jenny Eliot. So, after that discovery I started noticing all sorts of
other connections, of course much loser than Kevin Bacon's, but none-the-less
very cool. Like the name of the actress who played Lisa Casey on Mission:
Impossible (the original, of course) is Lynda Day George. I was terribly
impressed. Has anyone else noticed anything like this, also? Or maybe will
start noticing? I hope so!


without a signature because she's been cursed to AOL usage for the summer

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