Re: [pressgang] pg in oz\[4~

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Murray Head (
Mon, 13 Oct 1997 23:38:29 +0800

(sorry about the >'s, my mailer reads some peoples personal reply-to instead
of the list's so I've had to forward these one's after sending them direct
to the writers)
>At 06:15 10/10/97 +0000, you wrote:
>>>I have written to and rung the ABC on several occasions asking if and when
>>>Press Gang was going to come back on. Apparently the rights to the series
>>>have expired and they will not been renewed. It is possible that if they
>>>receive enough letters from Press Gang fans they will change their minds
>>>about it.
>>were do we write? I am puzzled because they said at the begining of
>>the year that' Lynda and the Gang would be back' I think I even have
>>it on tape.
>I thimk you may be remembering this from an older tape (I base this on the
fact that I only remember hearing this once). After they showed series 4
for the second or third time, (October 1993), they said it would be back
"early next year". I remember, because I'd been looking forward to new
episodes, and had expected them straight after the repeats in 1993. I didn't
mind the idea of waiting until eaarly 1994, but I was annoted when it didn't
come bck until November, and then we had to watch all the repeats one week
at a time before we got newies (not that watch PG repeats is the worst thing
that can happen on TV).
*Visit my web page (Go on - I dare ya)*
* Murray Head - *
*Also at: of Western Australia) *
* (Dept of Anatomy and Human Biology) *

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