[pressgang] Collected Musings (Part One)

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Murray Head (muzza@omen.net.au)
Mon, 13 Oct 1997 18:03:46 +0800

Gee, you take a week and a half off from reading your mail, and look what
happens - A pile of new topics and a "visit from God".:)

Barnaby: Re Kate Fischer
>Has anyone watched Good News Week with her (Kate, not Penny) on?
>Is she really just incredibly stupid, or is it some kind of
>sophisticated joke that I'm not smart enough to get?
I've always maintained that the bimbette thing is an act - partly (and this
is getting a bit deep for someone I don't know, and have only really seen on
GNW) I think she does it because she thinks she _is_ a bit
thick/unsophisticated, and acting the bimbo means she doen't have to worry
about falling on her face like she would if she tried to play the
intellectual. Certainly she hams up the bimbo thing on GNW. I seem to
remember her in a 60-minutes style show talking about anorexia a few years
ago, and sounding quite intelligent.
    I get lsughed at for this veiw regularly, so maybe I'm just a sucker for
a damsel in distresss :)

Steven "The Man Himself" Moffat Re padding:
> If anyone's interested other padding scenes (usually filmed long after the
> rest of the episode was in the can) include the Spike-and-Lynda-nearly-kiss
> scene in Breakfast At Czar's (check out Julia's hairlength - it was three
> weeks and a haircut later), the pre-credits scene between Spike and Lynda in
> In The Picture and the very boring Sullivan/Lynda scene in Sullivan's office
> in Picking Up The Pieces.
For me, Picking Up The Pieces is the second weakest show in the whole 5
series. Yet if I'm doing a marathon run of PG watching over a few days, I
resist the temptation to skip it because of the great subplot which really
shows the relationship between Spike and Lynda has developed - in both
directions. I liked the way Mr Sullivan confided in Spike at the end as well.

My god! Another "thing to ask the list about if I can ever remember it when
I'm anywhere near the computer" has just struck me. Did everyone notice in
"At Last a Dragon" that Spike and Lynda had to walk home instead of getting
a taxi because Spike lost his fiver at the party - presumably in his bet
with Sullivan about his chances with the woman at the party? SULLIVAN
SM again:
>Oh, and the equally boring Sullivan/Kerr scene in
> the very first (and very, very boring) episode.
With a lot of the really great shows, you can look back at the first show
(in some American shows, the whole first series!) and think "if it was this
bad back then, why the hell did I ever stick with it long enough to get to
the good stuff?" Page One wasn't the first episode I saw, but when I did
eventually see it, I enjoyed it - the KD remarks, the witty barbs, Danny
"wherethehelldidyoudisappearto" McColl's "old hand" manner in doing
reporting - I think as first episodes (or any episodes, for that matter) go,
Page One was great.

Kate went on:
>Too cool, the PG *God* looks down upon us once again and I am
>vindicated...well sort of.
>I know I know he didn't say I was right exactly about the crush thing but
>hey he didn't say I was wrong so I'll take that as a "hit" rather than a
Hmmm... well, I agree that you got the "relationship not yet worked out"
thing right, Kate, but I interpreted him as saying that, until the "filler
piece" was inserted, Lynda and Kenny didn't even know each other before the
Junior Gazette was put together, and while I agree that the long-standing
friendship is a big part of the "just friends" argument, there doesn't seem
to be much in the first series to suggest something deeper (to this
stony-hearted old sod anyway :) ).
  Oh, one other thing on this subject - a lot of talk went on about the kiss
on the forehead in Rock Solid. Of course, this was in the second series, by
which time Msr Moffat presumably had worked out the relationship boundaries.

Ann on Kenny's sex appeal:
>I think that the key to Kenny's
>character is that, while sweet, he is the kind of guy that girls prefer to
>be friends with, rather than the sort they fancy rotten.
My god, my whole life is flashing before me! :)
>But hey, if someone can fancy Colin, then there's hope for Kenny yet...
Yeah, I'm sure he'll find a red-headed Irish girl to settle down with
eventually. :)

> (I know that Barnaby and Murray are interested, along with a few others
> whose names have escaped me..... sorry.) Does anyone have access to a
> copy of the brilliant, yet delightfully evil John Safran's last
>screened docco (Football's my Religion.)
I'll get on to it ASAP - although I don't remember this story specifically,
I ve got every episode on tape (if my scungy friends ever give them back :))

>>My question is who had the worse luck with women Colin or Kenny
>I'd say Colin but thats only because he had some real disasters.
>Judy Wellman.
 I was going to just write "Yeah, but look who got the girl" after this, but
then it occured to me that we hadn't heard a thing about Jenny after series
4. It hadn't really consciously occured to me until now.

Anyway, the only reason I'm home at a decent hour is to get some sleep (a
joyous 36-hours-in-the-lab-weekend over) so I'll have to get around to other
responses later.
Bye all,
*Visit my web page http://www.omen.net.au/~muzza/ (Go on - I dare ya)*
* Murray Head - muzza@omen.net.au *
*Also at: muzza@tartarus.uwa.edu.au(Uni of Western Australia) *
* mhead@anhb.uwa.edu.au (Dept of Anatomy and Human Biology) *

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