Re: [pressgang] Kenny and Lynda...totally on topic

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Murray Head (
Mon, 06 Oct 1997 00:34:50 +0800

At 03:47 5/10/97 +1000, Kate wrote:
>Just a thought and not (repeat not) a criticism.
Understood ("Set phasers to stun" :))

> In the first three episodes when Moffat was still getting to grips with
>the characters.. perhaps before their previous histories together had been
>established, there seemed to be an implication that Kenny may have had
>something approaching a crush on Lynda. I think its comes through most
>clearly in "Casing the Joint" where Kenny defends Lynda when Spike says
>she's a lousy editor and Spike responds with a "Have you told her how you
>feel..." and later Spike asks Lynda out (nothing unusual there I guess) to
>show poor ole Kenny that it's not that hard.
Hmm... there's a variety of things I could say here, but given how
Kenny-like I am, I think a lot of it might be more about me than the show. ;)

I don't think that Kenny was supposed to be interested in Lynda - although
obviously he cares for her. It seems to me that Kenny's place in Lynda's
life was always that of the friend and concience (K:"If this doesn't work,
your going to feel really guilty"; L:"No I won't, you won't be around to
tell me to." - The Last Word, Part2).
    I didn't put the same spin on the remarks from Casing the Joint either.
For me the joke with Spike's line was that saying Lynda was not lousy was
tantamount to a declaration of love considering the usual esteem in which
Lynda was held in in the newsroom. As for the asking out bit, I thought
it's purpose was pretty much as written - ie Spike shows Kenny how easy it
is to ask a girl out by demonstrating (yet again) with Lynda (the gag of
course being that Spike is supposedly showing how easy it is to ask a girl
out, but the demontration he gives is is a failure (I forget Lynda's putdown
- anybody?) - thus not likely to fill Kenny with confidence (I think Kenny
pretty much accepted that Spike was the expert of the two of them when it
came to "getting women":))).

Anyway, it's great to hear someone elses ideas about the early episodes!
It brought to my mind a quote from a later episode -
Kenny (to Spike, about Lynda): _What_ do we see in her?
[Kenny and Spike stare at each other inquiringly for a moment]
Both (shaking heads): Nah!

Bye all,
*Visit my web page (Go on - I dare ya)*
* Murray Head - *
*Also at: of Western Australia) *
* (Dept of Anatomy and Human Biology) *

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