[pressgang] Questions/Re:C'mon Everybody!

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Murray Head (muzza@omen.net.au)
Thu, 02 Jul 1998 22:38:46 +0800

Firstly, some more strictly on-topic questions for those of you who wish to
impress me with your intellectual muscle :) -
1) Steven Hartley (who played "overworked star" John Hartwood in "In The
Picture": does anyone know where else I might have seen him? He always
looks v. familiar to me...
2)I'm sure I can't possibly be, but I just thought I'd ask (oh god, I'm
going to look like a dirty minded little scumbag) - was I the only one whose
eyebrows raised and mouth smirked when Colin said to that cleaner "do you
mind if I stroke?" in a school lavatory in "Head and Heart"?

At 07:09 2/07/98 -0700, you wrote:
> Take the survey. Our most interesting answer so far has been hands,
>so be inventive. I wanna find out which eating utencil is most
>commonly loved by PG fans.

There is, in fact, already a survey of where people live etc for the list -
an updated version will be sent within a few weeks. It does *not* for the
record, include a range of eating utensils utilised by list members - an
oversight for which I can only express my deep apologies. As for political
affiliations, that was deliberately excluded... I mean, something important
like how you eat was an oversight, but I draw the line at including
trivialities. :)

>> What about a spork??? My brother has a spork webpage...
>So what's the URL of this page, I'd very much like to see it.

I too, had wondered about this mention - could this possibly be *THE* Spork
Page? I have been to a very well known (well... award winning anyway) page
devoted to the spork.

Murray Head http://www.omen.net.au/~muzza/
Webmaster: Australasian Soc. for Human Biol. http://anhb.uwa.edu.au/ASHB/
"Poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheese" G.K. Chesterton

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