Re:[pressgang] Long time, no nothing...

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kim (
Tue, 21 Oct 1997 16:14:05 +1000 (EST)

Hi all..

Renee said...

>Hi again,
>Sorry I haven't written in a while,

Same here...

>It's been a long time between drinks - well sessions on the internet -
>I don't know if there's been any talk about the show `The Lodge'.
>It was shown in Australia (spec. Melb) Mon-Fri at 11am, over the
>last few weeks.
>I really liked it.
Yes, I have seen it a few times, and it was really good..

>I have 242 messages to respond to (The one's that Swinburne's let me
>store over the last week) so I'll catch up when I can.

Same here....I've had to just load them all onto disk, and then when I have
time, I'll respond to what I can...BTW, I haven't been able to locate when
it was that "God" graced us with his presence, when exactly was it?

>I'm actually having withdrawl symptoms from lack of Press Gang contact
>so I'll talk with you soon...

Me too, and you've all been so's going to be hard to comment, as
there's been some really good opinions stated.

One last thing, about a month or so ago, I asked evryone to e-mail me about
their interest in an Aussie convention, just so as I could see whether or
not it would be worth organising...I only received a handful of replies, so
it's hard to know what to make of it.

Anyway, bye for now.

==+ Carissa +==

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