Re: [pressgang] Just Help Out!!

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Constance Lever-Tracy (
Sat, 18 Oct 1997 18:31:39 +0000

>Re:little girl with cancer
>This is a nice thought and all, but... How could the American Cancer
>Council possibly find out how many people had received this message?
>I think it sounds rather suspicious, but then I pride myself on my
>suspicious personality.

I agree with you - but its not asking for money - so what does anyone
get out of it??? or is it just an opertunity to see how guliable
people are?? What happens to the money if/when she dies???

>Mind you, there could be some Cancer Council/Alien conspiracy going on,
>where they are monitering the Internet. When the Aliens take over, I hope
>they put Press Gang back on.

Well if they are intellegent enought to build space craft etc I'm
sure Press Gang would be put back on - in fact more episodes might be


>Spike: "You know, I woke up with a good feeling about today, Boss."
>Lynda: "That happens sometimes. It's just nature's cruel way
       of getting you out of bed."

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