[pressgang] Great moments in Kenny history

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Kevin Nauta (prydonia@accn.org)
Wed, 08 Oct 1997 18:23:08 -0400

Since Kenny's love life is of interest in these pages lately, here's one
of my favorite Kenny scenes, nicked from The Week and Pizza....

SAM: "But you're the perfect one to do it You've got that feeling,
KENNY: "I see. So you think that if you can perch on my desk, cross
your legs, flatter me a bit, ruffle my hair, then I'm gonna fire
Claire Pearson for you, is that it?"
SAM: "I haven't ruffled your hair."
KENNY: "Then you're not even trying, are you?"
SAM: "Oooh, nice line, Kenny...I'm beginning to think there are hidden
depths in you."
KENNY: "I've got depths like you wouldn't believe, I just don't spend
enough time there."
SAM: "Are you trying to impress me?"
KENNY (yelling back to CLAIRE): "Claire, can I see you in the meeting
room. Now or sooner."
SAM: "I'm impressed."
KENNY: "I'm gonna go in there now, and if you hear screaming, you know
what to do."
SAM: "Calm you down and get you a glass of water."
KENNY: "Watch and weep."
SAM (spoken to LYNDA): "Flatter them, doubt them, challenge
them---never fails."

Not bad for somebody who, at the beginning of season one, had never been
on a date with a girl.
By the way, I may be the only one out there who discovered Press Gang
was cool not because of the Spike-Lynda romantic sparks, but those of
Kenny & Jenny Elliot in How to Make a Killing. That was my first PG
episode, and I've been hooked since. (Though Spike & Lynda ARE much
more fun.....)

Kevin Nauta, not-so-cool-as-Spike-is American

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