Re: [pressgang] Kenny Kenny Kenny

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Allie (
Sat, 18 Jul 1998 18:49:52 +1000

>Sorry - this is rather long winded, but I don't often write long
>messages and I think Kenny deserves a tribute:
> Since everyone's been talking lately about Kenny and why he left
>and whether he looked sick or not, I'm taking this oppurtunity to
> I miss Kenny!
> As I have whinged on previous occasions it has been *years* since
>I've seen PG and finally it comes on free to air and Kenny has run off
>to Australia for no good reason. Damn.
> Since it is slightly on topic, I'm giving him a plug. He was a
>legend. Anyone who can put up with Lynda for that long, through thick
>and thin, and still smile at the end of the day deserves a medal.
>MULTIPLE medals.
> Lynda and Kenny had the coolest relationship - let me re-phrase
>that. Cool isn't exactly the best way of putting "following her around
>taking the shrapnel out of people" but (as I've probably said before)
>they were one of a kind and very interesting to watch.
> And I'll never forget Kenny's one liners. They were *good*. All
>those little things he said under his breath were very smart and
>although they always went unheard, I'm not sure that I quite looked at
>the Junior Gazette in the same way without Kenny's little sides on
>whatever crazy event was unfolding.
> *Sniff* I think Kenny would've taken a certain degree of
>satasfaction in knowing that WE all heard his little funny remarks.
> Why can't they show some Kenny on ABC before the withdrawl symtoms
>REALLY start affecting my behaivor (no comments reqiured on that one).

Am I remembering correctly, that Kenny and Sam left at the same time? Maybe
there's something in that.....

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