Re: [pressgang] Kenny Kenny Kenny

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Giulia Joliffe (
Sat, 18 Jul 1998 00:04:15 -0700 (PDT)

Sorry - this is rather long winded, but I don't often write long
messages and I think Kenny deserves a tribute:

      Since everyone's been talking lately about Kenny and why he left
and whether he looked sick or not, I'm taking this oppurtunity to
   I miss Kenny!
   As I have whinged on previous occasions it has been *years* since
I've seen PG and finally it comes on free to air and Kenny has run off
to Australia for no good reason. Damn.
   Since it is slightly on topic, I'm giving him a plug. He was a
legend. Anyone who can put up with Lynda for that long, through thick
and thin, and still smile at the end of the day deserves a medal.
MULTIPLE medals.
   Lynda and Kenny had the coolest relationship - let me re-phrase
that. Cool isn't exactly the best way of putting "following her around
taking the shrapnel out of people" but (as I've probably said before)
they were one of a kind and very interesting to watch.
   And I'll never forget Kenny's one liners. They were *good*. All
those little things he said under his breath were very smart and
although they always went unheard, I'm not sure that I quite looked at
the Junior Gazette in the same way without Kenny's little sides on
whatever crazy event was unfolding.
   *Sniff* I think Kenny would've taken a certain degree of
satasfaction in knowing that WE all heard his little funny remarks.

   Why can't they show some Kenny on ABC before the withdrawl symtoms
REALLY start affecting my behaivor (no comments reqiured on that one).

        Giulia, living on the hope that somewhere in her country a
lost Junior Gazetter is wandering around and could use some help
finding his way home.
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