Re: [pressgang] Oh, did he leave?

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Giulia Joliffe (
Thu, 2 Jul 1998 03:06:30 -0700 (PDT)

> I always got the impression <Danny> was there cos they thought
"hey, it's a
> newspaper we'd better have a photographer, I guess". Apart from being
> "the photographer" (and a wimp he tells us) I didn't know he even had
> any character traits.

    While I have no idea about the details of how PG was written, I
got the immpression that in the first few episodes, Lynda, Spike and
Kenny were meant to be the main chars and the rest were just back-up.
Later on it looked like they decided on who would be developed more
and who would be left behind. If Danny had stayed, I think he would've
ended up with char traits like Frazz, Colin and Sarah later did.
    At the time, there was nothing wrong with Danny.
But since most of us on this list have seen more than just the first
series and we have seen the other charcters be developed, his char
suddenly seems boring and background-ish.
    From Giulia (who thinks that after luving a PG char, saying that
Colin wit brightens the day and answering questions, Pricilla will
become VERY popular on this list.)

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