Re: [pressgang] Lydia's death

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Brian Green (
Wed, 28 Jan 1998 22:59:42 +0800

At 22:25 28/01/98 +1100, you wrote:
>I know this subject has probably thrashed to death and all, but I haven't
>actually spotted a definitive answer on this topic.
>I was thinking about this one and looking for clues on whether Lynda
>actually did die in Their Are Crocodiles and if Spike was just dreaming. I
>believe that I have found an answer.
> I always thought that Lynda was killed in the fire. It always struck
me as weird that if Lynda did manage to survive, the first thing she would
do is to pay a visit to Colin, rather than Spike. In her darkest hour, in
the ultimate test of Lynda's loyalty eg. the Junior Gazzette over friends
and loved ones (a theme that ran through alot of the episodes in the last
series, culminating in TAC), i always had faith that Lynda would choose
freinds and loved ones, and that if she did survive it would be Spike that
she wanted to see first. Anyone else?
                Brian Green
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