Re: [pressgang] TAC

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erik (
Sat, 18 Oct 1997 21:50:37 +0200 (MET DST)

hi all,

Just a quick mention that the whole thing is probably just A PERSONAL

You see, I'm in love with Byker Grove character Jemma Dobson, and
anyone who saw Byker Grove at the time (1994) should know how she
died: she touched a faulty wallsocket while standing in water.
This accident, being quite similar to Lynda's alleged death
one year earlier and resulting in me being depressed for /another/
year brings up two questions:

Why do all the tv characters I love die? Or rather, die because of
faulty wall sockets?
and the other, just to link this totally irrelevant message to Press Gang:

did the makers of Byker Grove maybe get the idea from PG?

sorry for wasting your time. anybody out there know what the girl
who played Jemma does these days? just forgot her real name, sorry

Also, Jemma's character has a bit in common with Lynda's, doesn't it?

sorry, I'm getting emotional again

see a nice picture of Jemma on my homepage

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