Press Gang

Press Gang - Frequently Asked Questions

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What sort of people are fans of Press Gang?

Murray Head and Liisa Caimano have kept an ongoing list of some of the details that of those on the list, so we know:





We have 2 Writers, actors, bankers, army members, receptionists, journalists, letter carriers, librarians, fast food workers, clerks, programmers, radiographers, cashiers, systems engineers, teachers and travel agents on the list... and more.

We also have a lot of students of different types on the list, including: Architecture, Arts, History, Law, Commerce, Communications, Computer Science, Engineering, Creative Writing, Education, Economics, English Literature, Graphic Design, High School, Human Biology, Information Technology, Journalism, Languages, Maths, Media, Medicine, Psychology, Political Science, Probability Theory, Science, Social Science and Theology.

This FAQ was compiled by Murray Head, Kevin Nauta, Natacha Tracy and Crystal Arroyo.  With thanks to MH, Liisa Caimano and the entire PGML for info included above.

Suggestions may be sent to Murray or to Matt Saunders, the operator of the list.